A conference entitled “ELECTRICITY MARKET LIBERALIZATION – BULGARIA IN SOUTH EAST EUROPE AND EU CONTEXT” is organized by the National Energy Chamber with the support of the Energy Management Institute.
The Conference will be a high profile forum to discuss the actions already taken towards market liberalization and what is the effect of them so far. The upcoming actions envisaged at state level and to what extend they are accepted by the business will also be a subject on the discussion. Furthermore, a review of specific case studies taken from the practice in Bulgaria and of other countries in the course of implementing market reform in the sector, will be examined, including successful models and examples for cooperation between state institutions and the business in the process of the development and implementation of these reforms.
It is expected the event to be attended by representatives of the Government of Bulgaria, members of the Parliament, World Bank, European Commission, Agency for cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER), EUROELECTRIC, Florence School of Regulation, representatives of the energy sector in Bulgaria and abroad, financial institutions, business representatives, NGOs.
The conference will contribute to provision of up to date information on what has been done in the field of market reform, further actions expected and planned, synchronized with the trends in the sector worldwide.
More details on the subject will be provided soon